Supported trackers
Here's a list of trackers that are supported by TrackSW software.
When setting up your own device, use appropriate IP address and port. If you bought the device from us, it's already set up! (see tracking device setup for more info and device setup manual).
Tracker model | IP Address | Port |
Teltonika FMAXX, FMBXX, FMB9,FMA+LVCAN, previous models | | 9002 |
QuecLink GV55Lite, GV65, GL200, GV500 | | 9001 |
Geneko FoxLite | | 9003 |
* To be supported: If you have a device that is not supported by TrackSW, you can help us make a support for it. Set up the device for port 9000, where we'll collect data that was sent and prepare a support for your tracker. For more info about tracker supporting, please contact us at