
Device history

history_1"History" tab allows you to check past movement of the devices. To take a look at the history:

  1. Select a device you want to see history of,
  2. Select a date
  3. Select display elements (line, points, POI, stops)
  4. Click "show" button

Note: You can quickly switch to a day before or after selected date by using minus () and plus () buttons.

Display elements

  • line: display line of travel - device movement
  • points: display each point (i.e. every received GPS position from device)
  • stops: display stops (bigger red dots)
  • POI: display POI layer ( read more about POI)

Show last history

history_latestWith the "show last history" function, you can quickly view last saved movement of the device. To use "show last history":

  1. Go to "current state" tab,
  2. Open menu next to device you want to see history for,
  3. Click option "Show last history".
  4. History tab will open, with selected device's latest history loaded.

History display settings

history_details_stopsShown info below stops

To change desired shown data below stops, click "details" button and select "stops" tab. Here, you can select which information should be displayed below stops.

Color travel line based on speed or digital input (DIN)

You can make lines colored based on device's travel speed or digital input (DIN). You can select the active profile on top bar next to line and points checkboxes (see picture).

You can make lines colored based on device's travel speed. Again, click on "details" button, and select "profile 1 (speed)" tab. Here you can define your own speed limits and appropriate colors. You can save changes you've made by clicking "save" button below.

Don't forget to change to this profile as described above!

You can also color lines based on digital input OFF/ON states. For that, open up "profile 2 (DIN)" tab. Here, you can define a color for each combination of digital inputs (DIN1, DIN2, DIN3) - 1 means ON, 0 means OFF. For example, a combination of (1, 0, 0) means DIN1 is ON, the other two are off. You can save changes you've made by clicking "save" button below.

Don't forget to change to this profile as described above!

Data, charts, and point filters

history_datachart_1You can access charts and point filters by clicking "data/charts" (1) button on history tab. A new window will open up. Here, you can select exact time span (from-to) (2), and select filtering by digital inputs (3) and/or speed (4). When you've set the desired filtering, click on "apply filter" button (5) to apply changes.

You can also preview filtered points on the map. After applying filters, click "update map" button (6), and your map will update accordingly, showing only filtered points.

history_datachart_2On "charts" tab, you can preview data on a nice graph. In first drop-down, select the first type of chart you want and after that, you can click "show" button to display graph.

You can also preview two chart types at once. Make a check next to "combine with" and select the second graph type you want to display. Click "show" button to see it.

Export history to Excel

To export history to Excel XLS format, click on the menu next to "details" button, and select option "export data to Excel".